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The NZ Education Specialists

Loose Parts

"In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of variables in it." 
-- The Theory of Loose Parts, by Simon Nicholson

"Loose parts provide children with many opportunities to handle, build, rebuild, and re-create their ideas and experiences, and grow across all of the developmental domains." 
 -- Loose Parts, by Lisa Daly & Miriam Beloglovsky.

NZ specialists in world leading loose parts brands. Open ended resources for imaginative play, building creative & critical thinking skills, maths & language skills.

  • Set of Spheres

    Set of Spheres

    $81.15 ex. GST |
     $93.32 inc. GST


  • Beech Wood Barrels

    Beech Wood Barrels

    $52.99 ex. GST |
     $60.94 inc. GST
